Placing A Bid

Normal Bidding Process
When you hear an item described on the air that you want, simply call one of the numbers listed below and place a bid.


The operator will assign you a bidder number and ask how much you want to raise the bid of the featured item. Stay on the phone to remain in the bidding process. If you are the lucky bidder and win, the operator will ask for additional information. If you hang up or become disconnected, you lose your item! If possible, try using a land line (not a cell phone) to ensure that you will not be disconnected.

Shot Gun Bids
During the auction, some items will be sold without a bid. We will predetermine the purchase price and open the phones to only a select number of buyers. You must call quickly, these items go fast!

Tips and Suggestions
Avoid using a Cell Phone – if you’re disconnected or we can’t hear you, you lose your bid.

Tell the operator whether you’re bidding on the current item or the “big on-going item” – you’ll find out what we mean.

Be consistent – only give the operator one phone number and last name, even if you’re calling on different days. This helps us track your items.

Think Long, Think Wrong – most items are only up for bid for 90 seconds. Call quickly and give your bid.

All Bids are Final – once a bid is placed, especially if you win, the item is yours! We cannot revoke a bid. Only in rare cases can we remove a bid, but you will also lose ALL the other items you won.

If a phone line is busy, try another number
